In a new cock-up, the bungling Home Office (motto : Not Fit For Purpose ) has deported an illegal immigrant. Hurrah!! One down, 270,000 or so to go. Congratulations all round, promotions and gongs in the New Years Smears!!
But wait, what's this? Someone not happy?
Turns out the "lady" was on bail awaiting trial for stabbing someone. And the Judge is pissed off. However, it's not all bad, m'learned friends will still get overpaid.
Mind you, the policy of letting folk have bail while awaiting trial for such trivial offences as stabbing people might need to be reviewed - not changed, of course, this being NuLiebore, but reviewed.
The Penguin
I refer Right Honourable and Honourable ladies and gentlemen to my comments in the RP's post of last year:
She looks exactly as if the realisation has indeed dawned that the rapidly cooling moisture darkening her gusset is indeed from the Prime Minister's special purposr
That should be "special purpose."
Like anyone cares.
"The UK Border Agency said it would 'carefully consider' the comments made by the judge."
Quite so, then they should fuck off and kill themselves.
Just not very good at her job is she? Perhaps she should have stuck to teaching cookery - or did she move into politics because she'd failed at the cookery teaching too?
'Those who can - do. Those who can't - teach. Those who can't teach - become New Labour Ministers'.
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