60 per cent of offenders, who have been convicted on more than 15 previous occasions, are not sent to prison after being convicted of a serious, indictable offence in a Crown Court.
More than 70 per cent of criminals convicted for 'violence against the person' offences in 2007 did not receive a custodial term. Just 24 per cent of all serious offenders were jailed.
If the same sentencing standards in 2002 had been applied five years later, an additional 10,000 criminals would have been in jail rather than being "free to endanger members of the public".
Three feral thugs found guilty of being accomplices to the murder of Rhys Jones are sent to prison for such derisory and pathetic terms they left court laughing and cheering.
I've lost count of the number of murders committed by cunts let out on bail.
And now we have convicted child rapists suing because the Human Rights are being abused because there's no ensuite toilet in their cell.
And at his expensively refurbished Whitehall palace sits the smug corrupt greasy little weasel responsible for this clusterfuck. I hope he gets bowel cancer but doesn't seek medical attention quickly enough because he thought the discomfort was from not using enough KY jelly when bending over for Gordon and Mandy.
The Penguin
IMHO Straw is the biggest Hoon of all. Yes even bigger than Hoon himself.
No sorry I've just got to add I reckon that him and the man whose name is the colour of shit was behind the D. Green business. I have never heard him deny it. Both of them know Schmidt is thick as two short ones but good for taking the crap. In the interview with her the next day, the weasely cunt was standing behind her, his eyes were moving from side to side like he was watching a high speed tennis match and he looked so nervous he was going to wet himself. Why doesn't someone ask him the direct question, then we can get the lie on record.
He also torpedoed Robin Cook's attempts at an ethical foreign policy i.e. fewer sleazy arms deals by BAE Systems. See links to Lord Scumbag of Death.
He is a totally sleazy bastard - this whole prison thing is on its head...twat a fucking burglar in your own home - go straight to Jail do not pass go. Rob every house in your street and get a fucking useless electronic tag that the lazy fucking coppers can't be arsed to check. Curfew means sit at home while your little pikey cunt of a 12 year old goes out robbing for you...twisted fucking twisted!!!
Yes I see, I have always considered him the nastiest person in the Labour party.
Since he was a student activist, he's always been behind a lot of the trouble. Always with someone in front of him to take the flak, But pushing himself into more influential positions,sliming his way out of scandal. I doubt if he would ever want to be PM. He would be to much in the open. Much better he spits his poison from behind the cookery teacher.
One of my fellow prison officers got smashed over the head with a pool ball in a sock and the little cunt pleaded not guilty right up until we all turned up at court to give evidence. Then when he realised we were all going to give our evidence he changed his plea to guilty, right at the last minute, and got his sentance reduced for a guilty plea.
This practice is bollocks, and allows the little cunts to waste the courts and witnesses time.
There were 3 other officers who witnessed it and it was all on cctv, and he still went not guilty.
I have had inmates brag to me about how they were convicted for 10 burglaries and had another 30 taken into consideration, which they will never receive a sentance for. Just to clear up the numbers of unsolved crimes.
The victims will never get any justice, but at least the police bean counters will be able to give the world the impression that they are doing their jobs.
Isn't crime just a phenomenon of capitalist repression? Each year as the government brings us ever closer to the workers' paradise, crime must be seen to fall. New 'educashun' helps kids avoid repression, and demonstrate their skills with a knife. Complaining about crime identifies you as an enemy of the people. All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. If you don't believe that, you will be sent to a camp to be re-educated. Anyway, why waste money pandering to middle class prejudices, when it could be spent on better lifestyles for hardworking neo-soviet apparatchiks?
The fucking idiot even brought in a new 'rule' that says any prisoner with less than 18 days left to serve, is let out, free, fuck off home, and is given a few quid to spend in the fucking pub too!
Now, think of the magistrates who were not told of this when they need to send a minor shitback scrote down for say, 1 month. The sentence is always halved so they do 14 days. That's less than 18 so the lowlife scum are taken for a drive round the country, rubber stamped at prison, given money then driven home again to go and fuck someone else up the arse.
We're governed by cunts...
I have written letter after letter to that smug ahole Straw, pointing out, with well documented evidence, that his department the Ministry of (in)justice has allowed an American paedophile to influence the secret family courts and thereby put tens of thousands of children into dire risk of abuse.
His response has been to PRETEND to open up the secret courts whilst cunningly making sure that they stay closed!
He is an evil corrupt weasel and ought to go straight to jail without passing Go!
Straw, Brown,Blair, Livingston, the whole vile bunch of vermin should be put on a boat to Africa. They are white haters and a vile mix of human offcuts, we must get them out of England before they ethnically cleanse everyone. The BNP are brave and courageous, and its about time we started to support them.
yes i agree, this little cunt is the weasel behind the scenes who has been scratching away at our civil liberties for years, he should be fuckin hanged. He did away with haebeus corpus, a fundamental civil liberty we have had for hundreds of years, and other oppresive laws...he should be hunted and fucking killed.
i agree, this little cunt weasel has been scratching away at our civil liberties for years, he revoked the writ of haebeus corpus a civil libery we have had for centuries...he should be fuckin hanged.
Fucking crooked corrupt scum eating cunt,die along with the rest of the Labouring party cuntfaces.
Years ago Jack Straw said he would bring in a law so that Freemasons in the police and councils had to declare an interest, in order to stop backhanders and planning corruption.
I wonder how much the masons paid him to keep his mouth closed. Does he really think it's OK to have a secret organisation within the police and local government?
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