Monday 12 January 2009

This Is Just So Wrong

Following the recent avoidable tragedy of the Siamese Twins who had a sad painful and short existence of operations and hospital, I am stunned that some selfish stupid prats are determine to continue to term with a pregnancy that has no real hope whatsoever.

What the fuck planet are these people from?

The Penguin


Anonymous said...

So they are gift from God are they?Well I know its the thought that counts rather than the gift itself but thanks but no thanks can't God give her a Playstation insted.
Perhaps God might like to dip into his or her pocket and pay the enormous costs of these poor little sods medical bills.

Catosays said...

I couldn't agree more. It's unbelievable that someone would want to produce a child so deformed.
It will need enormous medical support for the whole of its life. As Spock didn't say...'live short and die young'

North Northwester said...

Well, I can imagine the child or children of such a birth having a far from normal life - did you see that documentary about the conjoined twins in America taking their driving test -twice? Poor girls.

Also, to be fair and rational about this, in an age of socialised medicine you might argue that a lot of public resources may go on helping them survive birth and adjusting to life afterwards, which might be spent better elsewhere.

I suspect though that a single underclass family of mother and five children will cost more in benefits, tax credits, policing, Methodone, extra help in the classroom for the insanely disruptive brats it will inflict on everyone else, loss of employment and tax revenues due to the businesses they will surely blight due to vandalism and shop-lifting, truancy, court costs etc, than the extra surgery required in delivering Siamese twins to term. We might save much more money and have a happier world if we addressed our energies to eliminating this aristocracy of poverty than worrying about a few freaks.

I only suspect that, but I don't know, and I'm open to cost/benefit and other evidence to prove that to be wrong.

To be fair and rational is a fine thing and my ultimate take on this is that if there is anything special about people; that is, if our existence has any value at all other than the mere mathematical uniqueness of our genetic codes and the times and dates of our conceptions and births, if people are more than just clever meat which responds to its environment in a number of genetically-determined ways, then that value or uniqueness is as likely to exit prior to birth as after it.
You don't need to believe in God or gods or the soul here to have this particular concern.

Perhaps we could check [and I'm now expressing myself perhaps less than fairly and a bit emotively here] and ask a selection of mongs, crips, spackers, dwarfs, dumbos, flids, gingers, lefties, gropers and outright loons if they'd have preferred Mum to slip them the needle and save them all the trouble.

Just a thought.

AngryDave said...

She is only thinking of herself and should really be thinking about the short and probably painful life of the twins.
I agree with you totaly. What kind of a life are they going to have.

I understand that she may have been waiting a long time for children, but, how will she feel when one or both of the children die. She has the opportunity to save herself and the children a lot of suffering.

Anonymous said...

"We might save much more money and have a happier world if we addressed our energies to eliminating this aristocracy of poverty than worrying about a few freaks." I agree but why is this woman having this birth knowing full well that the child if it lives will have all sorts of problems health and otherwise sounds like a selfish cow to me.
Sanctity of life? Try the Gaza strip, DRC and so on plenty of sancity there.

North Northwester said...

Anonymous said...
Sanctity of life? Try the Gaza strip, DRC and so on plenty of sancity there.
No; just value. Uniqueness. Never to live and breathe and feel again.

There are a lot of life and property violations in this world, but that does not mean we can't wish for and act to secure fewer.

And how about those Siamese twins and their driving test?
And all those mongs, crips, spackers, dwarfs, dumbos, flids, gingers, lefties, gropers and outright loons. We kill them now, yeah? Put them out of their misery?

And all those emaciated and abused African kids...

'X, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
As poetry goes, it can scarcely be beaten.