Friday 16 January 2009

Slippery Jack Should Resign - Fat Chance

Jack The Slippery Weasel Straw is perhaps more directly responsible for the explosion of knife crime in Britain than any other single person, as I have mentioned before. As the Minister for Justice he should be considering his position over the latest travesty, but the sun will be a black hole long before Jack will do the honourable thing.

Some young thug, who spent his early years in the Congo before joining his "difficult family" here and becoming a burden on the taxpayer stabbed a 14 year old teenager in the heart and was seen laughing and joking about it afterwards. At the trial, his defending barrister Malcolm Swift QC, defending, said: 'One cannot ignore this young man in the dock never had the sort of love and support the deceased had.' Some fucking excuse!! Surely Malcolm Swift QC should stand for Parliament?

It also turns out that at the time of the stabbing the murderer was on a six- month Detention and Training Order for burglary, had robbed another youth at knifepoint in 2007, and in April last year had been placed on a supervision order for shoplifting.

So yet another murderer killing whilst they should actually have been locked up in fucking prison. And the prison sentence that is actually handed down for this murder? 12 fucking years!! Fuck me, he'll only be 28 when he gets out of Her Majesty's Pontins.

Some system of Justice to be proud of, don't you think, Jack?

The Penguin


Sue said...

It's difficult to believe that anyone coming from say, a country like the Congo can adapt to the British way of life.

It must be terrible to live that way but at the same time, killing is a way of life for them and it's the reason our crime rate has soared.

The immigrants that have entered have come from a life where merely to survive is paramount.

I find it difficult to understand why the government don't realise this.

banned said...

I would give that 'young man love and support', all the way up the steps of the scaffold.