It seems a gang of five pikeys has seriously vandalised a police helicopter after threatening staff in the control room.
What is the police response? "It seems we must have flown too low over their site and annoyed them."
This seems to be a rather different response than that handed out to innocent demonstrators in London recently. Has there been a change in the law? Are pikeys now completely outside of the criminal law as well as planning regulations?
The Penguin
We are all so fucking stupid! We should adopt the pikey approach.
Pikeys have a tradition of burning a caravan when one of them dies. Sadly none of these unwashed scum are in it at the time.
What do you mean, 'now'....? ;)
Fucking manky pikey bastards.
" . . a rather different response than that handed out to innocent demonstrators in London recently."
Not if you support Tamil terrorism. This lot (although now removed) received retrospective permission from the Met to block approaches to Parliament. This has been illegal since (I believe) the 17th century - long before the present even more restrictive regulations (which are waived if you're skin is the right shade) were put into force.
"your skin" although "you're skin" has a rather poetic flavour!
The next time the sussex police air cavalry flys over my house too low I am going to take it out with my 12 bore.
Im sure they will be just as understanding as the pikey loving
surrey police farce.
Why do pikeys have a site when they are travellers?.Why dont they just fuck off and travel back to pikeyland.
If I was in charge I would exchange the crappy little Eurocopter for an Apache and use the site for target practice.
Thieving filthy pikeys were probably looking to steal the batteries of the helicopter.
So its the law now-you can smash up any aircraft if you think it is a bit too low.
What do you call a pikey with 2 brain cells-pregnant.
we must'nt upset the poor pikeys.being such manky cunts withe the moral compass gordoom would be proud of. after all, we may be acused of being aganist they're lifestyle, and that would never do...time to engage the flame-throwers...
An amusing aside.
I spoke with another worker, a wench, at the place I rent. I work alone all the time at evenings and weekends because I'm antisocial and generally unpleasant. Anyway.
I said some crows had been picking at the windows one night and I thought the gippos had been trying to get in.
She said 'That's not very PC'.
I said 'PC? Dammit. PC means you can't use the word 'black' in case it offends the wogs'.
I have never seen a wench turn so red nor move so fast.
Must try that again.
Can you use the term "Wench" these days?
It rather conjures up the vision of a buxom lady serving pints of ale to a largely male clientele - surely a very un-PC, stereotypical image in these enlightened times.
I'm joking, of course....
Back to the original thread - Whilst a full size helicopter is undoubtedly useful for many tasks, there are far cheaper ways of intelligence gathering available.
"A Surrey Police spokesman said the identity of the mob members was 'unknown'."
Why should that be, I wonder? I thought our wonderful immigration & border control was able to track everyone.
Or do pikeys get a special dispensation because it might offend their "human rights?
I have an off licence and a serious pikey infestation locally, personally i think Anthrax or something equally unpleasant (lethal) should be employed against these scum. 2 of them were recently arrested for threats to kill (me) and burn my shop down, after smashing it up. They were in custody for a total of 24 hours then the courts released them AGAIN!
I have an off licence and a serious pikey infestation locally, personally i think Anthrax or something equally unpleasant (lethal) should be employed against these scum. 2 of them were recently arrested for threats to kill (me) and burn my shop down, after smashing it up. They were in custody for a total of 24 hours then the courts released them AGAIN!
i got jumped by 15 to 20 pikeys an a week later a group of them also smashed ther way into my house to bater me cos i didnt want to fight them police came i told them wer they was they didnt even arrest them or do anythin for that matter somthin needs doin about it befor things really get out of hand
people people people.. you are all free to act on your supposed grievance with the travelling community.. rather than offer your verbal bile here go and act on your far out beliefs...
'it seems we must have flown to low over their site and annoyed them'...if they were flying that low no wonder the porkus avianus got vandalised...well done pikeys!
It disgusts me how the police pick and choose who they punish. I have a serious hatred for pikeys and i wad glad the other year when they were evicted off land they had stolen. If i was in any type of position of power i would have pikeys continually harrassed by police like i am on a regular basis. And genuinly make the country unpleasant to live in for them, as genocide gets a bad rap these days. They are clearly responsible for 98% of crime yet society blames the blacks i know loads of blacks and not many of them thieve i also know loads of pikeys and every single one is a thieving waste of natural resources they should be sent to the gas chambers however just getting rid of them in prisons should sufice enough if you can't kill em lock em away
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