Wednesday 13 May 2009

Corruption, Corruption - Fish Rot From The Head.

Do you suppose that the welter of corruption headlines lately could be related to the example being set by out elected and unelected representatives in Parliament?

After all fish rot from the head.

As well the the Westminster Gravy Train, Cash For Honours, Dodgy Donations, Amazingly Short Sentences For Muslim Peer, Legislation For Sale, we now find that a head teacher at some flagship school in Brent has been suspended over allegations of million pound bonus fraud.

Naturally they tried to silence the whistleblower.

Equally naturally, it seems that there's a whiff of Africa and India about this. The bursar Columbus Udokoro is also suspended, and the head of the governors is a Dr. I P Patel. I wonder if he's a friend of Keith Vaz?

I'm pretty sure I deleted a load of emails from Columbus Udokoro the other year, all of them offering me an amazing deal if I just helped him getting some money out of Nigeria. Or it may have been a very similar name.

Still, it's very reassuring to know that Ed Balls in on the case.

The Penguin


Dr Evil said...

I'm afraid that when we 'import' these people we import their culture and way of doing things too. Usually at total variance with ourselves and what we consider the norm.

Catosays said...

Someone on Guido mentioned that the story of an injunction being overturned in the High Court is being touted on Talk Sport.

Umbongo said...


Spot on - multi-culti and "diversity" in all their glory. The imported endemic corruption goes with the barely-understandable highly-accented English spouted on endless local and central governmental "support" lines, the corrupt "new British" officials at the Home Office (and other government departments), the occasional immigration judge outed by his own stupidity and an increasing incidence of corruption in the voting system.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen what the business mob think will really happen with the money these bastards are offering to pay back?

Anonymous said...

Blimey - that's incredible - they won't actually be paying any money back - it's simply crediting their tax account for the following year!
Holy cow!

Joe Public said...

"Equally naturally, it seems that there's a whiff of Africa and India about this. The bursar Columbus Udokoro is also suspended, and the head of the governors is a Dr. I P Patel."

Out of order Mr P.

1. This is not an opportune moment to imply that those from overseas are somehow corrupt, when our own backyard is a cesspit of troughers.

2. For all we know, Mr Udokoro and Dr Patel may be more 'British' than you.

Hacked Off said...

Actually, Joe, I think you'll find that the majority view is in line with my view on this. So are the facts. Check out the postal voting scams - most seem to involve those from the Indian subcontinent. Baroness Uddin, anyone? Keith Vaz? Lord Ahmed?

And Africa remains the heart of darkness. See previous about Baroness someone or other.