Friday 22 May 2009

The Fucking Shame Of It!

"I'm determined to enlarge the circle of my friends!"

The Secretary Of State for The Foreign and Colonial Office is the representative of Great Britain on the World Stage.

So what have we had representing us under NuLiebore?

Robin "Pigmy" Cook, the ugliest man in the world, whose "Ethical" foreign policy was quickly scuppered by Jack Straw (whose best mate Lord Death of Blackburn is bag carrier for BAE Systems).

Jack Straw himself, yuk. Even thinking of him I have the urge to go and shower in Dettol.

Margaret "Horse Face" Beckett. Covered herself in glory, I don't think. If the rest of the world thinks women in England look like her it would explain their belief in homosexuality as being the "English disease".

David "The Alien" Millipede, banana waving embarrassment.

And now, if report are to be belived, we will be represented by a crooked poofter, Lord Voldemort.

The shame of it!

The Penguin


Mave said...

Good God! Further proof (as if it's needed) that they are all completely hatstand and totally out of touch with reality. I feel sick.

Anonymous said...

Give McMoralCompass a break

There's a limit to what you can do with such a shallow pool of 'talent and ability'

You must be talking about the creme de la creme of zanulabia

aha aha hahahahahaha

aproposofwhat said...

Two fucking yids in a row!

Give us a break, NuLabour - you know that Israel's the cause of most of the problems, so why keep appointing Yids to run our foreign policy?

And Mandlebum's a poof, too - how many boxes must you tick before decent Christians revolt?

Chris said...

Fucking Helsinki.

That thieving little ponce is the face of Great Britain in 2009. Time to start saying we're Canadian (like Americans abroad did 2000-2008).

May return soon..fuckety fuck. said...

were all fucked, then. were already a fucking laughing stock abroad thanks to the troughing cunts, and now this?..fuck this, im off to monglolia.

Nearly Headless Nick said...

Has he got his own speculum for this enlargement?
I'm told that a good dollop of KY jelly helps, along with some Amyl Nitrate to relax the sphincter!

Anonymous said...

So much for democracy. This idiot isn't elected and he should not be in cabinet full stop. Bloody foreign office...give him the job and then give him a one-way ticket out of here.