Rowan "Mad Druid" Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Deluded Cunt.
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
Who did decapitate him?
That's incredible, a fuckin floatin heid. It's like them turds ye see in public toilets that wilna flush awa and just bob up and down, up and down. The auld hoon makes as much sense as a talking turd as well.
I'd actually quite like to see his head separated from his shoulders and placed on a fuckcing pike.
The odious, treacherous, Islamic cock-sucking cunt !
What are the most popular names for boys and girls?
I find this deeply offensive. All I am suggesting is that we quietly and politely bend over so that those lovely, swarthy Mulsims can take advantage of our arses.
I'm sure its what Jesus (or Marx or Lenin) would have wanted me to do.
He has Satanic eyebrows! What a smug jerk. He is just another very high ranking bureacrat, so his opinion doesn't count. He's afraid he'll be next.
Does this wanker not understand that religion died years ago in this country.
Like the govt,it has no authority.
Interesting example in Ireland with the systematic abuse of boys and girls by these supposed saints....
The primate of all England making a monkey of himself. What a fucking cunt. Dear rowancuntox do fuck off and get rogered by the nearest killtheinfidelsmuslimarsewipe just like you know you want to. You are an utter fucking disgrace to your religion and your country. You are unlikely to be able to comprehend how many of us despise you, you being as retarded as you appear happy to demonstrate constantly.
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