They are as alike as two round green things in a pod of other round green things. Or like fat little porkers at the trough.
One is Marjorie Dawes, the terrifying leader of weight loss support group Fatfighters.
Every week, she mercilessly belittles and humiliates the group for being so, well, fat, while all the time oblivious to her own size, and desperately trying to conceal her compulsive consumption of biscuits, crisps and any other junk she can get her hands on.
The other is reputed to be Labour Health Minister Ann Keen MP - who has raked in £660,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses since 2001. The Brentford and Isleworth MP came under fire last year when she and her MP husband were dubbed 'Mr and Mrs Expenses' after using £175,000 of public money to help buy a flat near Parliament, despite owning a constituency home only nine miles away.
Now she is in the news having been sued by a constituent for being useless and lazy as an MP.
I can't tell them apart, can anyone help?
The Penguin
The resemblance is spooky!
They must have been separated at birth.
There's a possible triplet, Pauline the Restart Officer from Royston Vasey?
The fucking ugly bird is the MP
That woman at the top looks vile beyond hope; if she was my auntie I'd shoot her.
I did one of those separated at birth posts too
She is a greedy cunt
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