A pair of poofters demonstrate how to milk the system.
One of them, a security guard who worked for G4S at Heathrow was so mortally offended and affected by a female colleague who wobbled her tits at him that he developed clinical depression, has been awarded £62,000 at an Employment Tribunal. The poor thing hardly ever leaves his bedroom he is still so upset, although I expect the money will be a comfort and he might now improve a little bit.
His other comfort is his partner, who took medical retirement and is now the registered carer for poor diddums. It has all been so traumatic for them that they have moved to Devon.
So, benefits, big time. That's two sets of the sick, plus carer's allowances, housing benefit, no council tax, and £62,000.
Dr Neil Brener, a consultant psychiatrist at North London's Priory Hospital, said in a report: "Clearly Mr Rondeau has been through a very traumatic experience.
He feels he has been treated like a cream puff, even though he has been handsomely rewarded."
He added: "This lady's tits severely distressed Mr Rondeau and left him quite comfortably off."
The Penguin
What was he doing looking at her lady bumps if he was, as he claims, a fudge packer?
Quivering tits leave me in such a state that I need to masterbate at least twice a day. I'm clearly fucked in the head. Where's my money?
On a more serious note, what the fuck is up with the judges etc who actually believing such shit thereby perpetuating this fucking circus. I don't give a fuck about how you can interpret laws upside down and back to front to get the outcome you want - JUST USE SOME COMMON FUCKING SENSE. They're as bad as the freaks amongst the muslim fraternity who twist and bend a simple sentence to mean whatever they fucking want it to mean!
If you don't like tits then gouge your fucking eyes out!
And, by the way, those tits above did it for me!
I was attempting to read this but was distracted by the set of chest bumps at the top.
Guess I shall have to sue for emotional distress or some such bollocks.
Fido, I think you would have sufficient grounds to sue Penguin for your distress.
Oh I've just noticed my boobs wobble when I move, can I just apologise for any distress I may have caused now or in the future to anybody of any persuasion. Please Note: this is not an admission of liability, it's involunatry - You'd think the Judge would have known that..
Interesting... £62000 Employment tribunal
Bugger... Should have kept up my tribunal against Candi trust
I get traumertised every time I look at my own chest bumps! Maybe I should sue myself for having tits - and thereby causing myself severe stress??
Penguin, re your headline "Working The System - Fucking Parasites!
Have you ever actually fucked a parasite ?
I don't blame the two bummers for working the system ( as does Abu Qatada - awarded £2,500 just for being in jail for a couple of years ); more luck to their elbows, arseholes, whatever. I blame the Righteous fucks who set the system up and cunts like "Dr Neil Brener, a consultant psychiatrist at North London's Priory Hospital" who rake in a fortune playing along with it together with lackwit judges like Employment Tribunal Judge Richard Byrne who fail to support the rights of all right thinking people.
One last point, self defined faggot, Allwyn Rondeau ( ooh, get him - the only Gay In The village ! ), objects to being called 'batty boy', which is simply the Rastafari word for his ailment, that's kinda RACIST innit ?
Well, I was married once!
l can claim that tits effected my mental health ... l got married twice!
I look at boobs all the time.
All it ever gets me is a slap in the face. I had no idea you could get paid for it.
Dirty faggot can suck sperm from a shit-encrusted cock, still warm and moist after its leisurely repast in his gaping, infected fartpipe, and the little queen wants some dosh for his wardrobe?
Some of us have to pay good money to have tit wiggled in front of us[0]
Now I feel better about the poofter-bashing I was into when I wor a lad.
[0] i.e., get married
"So, benefits, big time. That's two sets of the sick, plus carer's allowances, housing benefit, no council tax, and £62,000."
I wouldn't worry about it. The 'sick' will stop until he's down to £16,000.00. And the housing benefit will stop until he's down to £3,000.00 (I think). Council Tax relief will go down from 100% to about £12.00 a week each.
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