It seems that today is the day when corrupt company lawyer Mr. Tessa Jowell will be sentenced to 4 years or so in an Italian prison for his part in getting Berlusconi acquitted from corruption charges.
It was all going so well, until greedy Mr. Tessa Jowell tried to avoid paying tax on the huge wedge that Berlusconi had shoved his way for perjury and foolishly committed some of the actuality to paper. He wrote to his accountant, and that letter ended up in the Italian court. One wonders how it did, perhaps there was a falling out over fees?
Luckily for Berlusconi, they changed the law in Italy to protect senior politicians, so he's laughing and the toad-like David Mills can await extradition. Do you suppose that he'll be doing polenta rather than porridge?
The Penguin
UPDATE: Four years and six months - but the bastard will appeal and appeal and try to work the system until the time limitations stuff clicks in. We can but hope. Still fucking funny, though!
Hope he's gang-raped.
I never liked the fly eating amphibian. Mind you, I never liked Tessa either. She hurts my eyes.
Much love (to all Italian billionaires)
Ha ha ha. Four and a half years.
I wonder if Tessa will visit him?
Cunt will appeal and appeal and hope to escape through limitation cop out.
Shame, it would be hilarious to have the bastard banged up in some Italian hell hole having his arsehole widened by the Mafia.
He will probably 'marry' Berlusconi in a Gay Civil Partnership. In Italy these are taken up mostly by straight couples to get the 'married ' status and the tax and legal protection it provides.
Didn't Tessa do well, dumping him quick time the moment he got into trouble, very gallant.
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