Amidst the political scandals, here's some news from the Uber Chav Under Class that we as taxpayers provide with a comfortable lifestyle choice, breeding more scum.
A single parent at just 15, Sian Robbins at 17 is pregnant again, by a different partner, with triplets. The triplets have medical problems and Sian has been advised to have one aborted to ensure the well being of the others, but has decided to keep them all. After all, there's more benefits to collect that way, and if one or more is disabled, then they get even more benefits. Already pulling in an astounding £1,126 a month, which includes her rent and no council taxes to worry about, Sian is looking forward to a bigger council house and more money. Unemployed father to be Callum Thomas said: 'She loves being a mum - even if one baby does have a problem we'll still love them. Sian wants me to be at home with her until the babies are older, so I'll be signing on.'
She is also planning that the next generation follow in her footsteps. You could not make it up. She said: 'The younger I have them the better it will be because I'll still be young when they are young. I've only got 15 years then they'll be doing what I've been doing - they'll go out and I'll stay in and look after their kids.'
What are they going to do when the benefits can't be paid because the country is bankrupt thanks to Gordon and his No More Boom And Bust?
The Penguin
Tell me please gawd that this is made up...
'The younger I have them the better it will be because I'll still be young when they are young. I've only got 15 years then they'll be doing what I've been doing - they'll go out and I'll stay in and look after their kids.'
FFS that can't be a real quote can it? Did she seriously say "I want to breed another generation of uneducated spongers"? I work 50 hours a week to support my kids .. .. .. if they took responsibility for their own lives I'd be able to cut that down and actually spend more time with my family.
Sian wants me to be at home with her until the babies are older, so I'll be signing on.'
She knows what a wastrel you are, and that given opportunity you'll be dipping your dick all over the show, producing even more you can't support.
Wouldn't mind betting Max Clifford might be sniffing round this one
Benefits for these people have got to stop. Let the parents cope with it. She's already been given a house for the first child she had while she was at school.
The first political party which stops using taxpayers money like this will win hands down.
I'm seething.
"What are they going to do when the benefits can't be paid because the country is bankrupt thanks to Gordon and his No More Boom And Bust?"
Simple. They'll be breaking down your front door, raping and strangling your wife, stealing whatever you've got that they can sell, then setting fire to your house.
And of course it will all be "Society's" fault.
Dennis - By that stage my savings will probably be worthless, and if I haven't already jumped of a tall building I will be waiting for the scum with a heavy guage steel bar...
Even if I was a member of the far left I would be absolutely appalled.
The benefit culture is so ingrained in these people they don't even realise that they are taking the piss. To them taking taxpayers money is as instinctive as breathing. It's just what you do.
Is this what Brown means by redistributing wealth?
Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
"What are they going to do when the benefits can't be paid"
Hopefully starve to death if you can't feed'em don't breed 'em.
A while ago in Wythenshawe Manchester was a benefit dependant lump of scum who had three daughters all under the age of twenty all had at least one kid she said she was so proud of them, not that fucking proud to actually go out to work to feed the twats.
Frankly, just disgusting.
This is what happens when the liberal left do-gooders preach about eliminating child poverty, infiltrate our education system with their delusional Marxist culture and create a parasitical subset of society.
If only Sir William Beveridge could see the effects of his report now...
She should sell some of the gold on her fingers, and buy a sterile needle, surgical thread and sew it up!
WV ecopron
There was a time when the fecund and feckless found themselves permanent inhabitants of mental hospitals.
After all, you would have to be mad to be a single mother in Edwardian England, as the thinking went at the time.
I'm certainly not advocating a return to those days, where women who were not mentally ill became institutionalised, but we have to remove the incentive whereby the State removes the social stigma that used to be associated with unmarried motherhood and replaces it with the incentive of housing and benefits that allow people to lead an unproductive but hedonistic life at taxpayers expense.
Such a shame that Sian Robbins can't be aborted but, on the bright side
Callum Thomas said: ' Sian wants me to be at home with her until the babies are older, so I'll be signing on.'
Which means that he will not be available for work. What's the Social Security Grass On Your Neighbour hotline number ?
I consider myself liberal centre left, but I resent people sponging of the dole like this - if you genuinely can't work then fair enough, but I fail to see why I should pay for boy in this case who seems to think why he should sign on just because he can. The dole is there to keep body and soul together, not to be abused like this.
it's always the same thing in this country when something goes wrong the middle and the upper class will always have something bad to say about the lower classes it's bad not all people fron the working classes are chavd or teenage pregnant theres some good people that i know. anyway don't forget that the working class has built this country during the 19 th century when there was all the big industries so all these people who think that they are smart because their from the upper class are stupid and don't even understand the problem of our contry because they don't take the time fing the origins of the problems of the working class
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