Sunday 7 December 2008

What A Fucking Hypocrite

As well as being a fearty coward, our inglorious snot gobbling one-eyed grotesque of a Prime Mentalist is a first rate cunting hypocrite. For the details, read Michael Gove's excellent memoir of being a reporter in receipt of leaks of national security matters from one Gordon McCavity McBroon 17 years ago whilst Gordy was in opposition.

Complete contrast to the Galley and Green affair, which does not involve anything of national security. Here the fucking Fife fiddler authorises the use of the Anti Terrorist Commandos, and then denies any involvement and can't even be held to make a proper response to questions over the clusterfuck.

What a hypocrite. I'm so delighted that he gets to represent Great Britain on the world stage - NOT!!

The Penguin


Anonymous said...

Exactly! However the thing is, I think he's so completely deranged, delusional & out of touch with reality that that's in a completely different universe as far as he's concrned.

Anonymous said...

I relish the small details. His necktie knot is never elegant; nor is it consistent. One day the verticle side is to the left, another day it is to the right. Either way he looks like a gauche adolescent trying to make a "statement".

45govt said...

And a lying fucking hypocrite. Cyclops the rocking-horse riding arse-bandit is the greatest disgrace to ever darken the murky face of British politics - the noxious cunt. I just wish he and that other old queen, Mandelscum could fall in love and fuck right off.

Excellent blog Mr Penguin - I see you have a fulsome amount of righteous fury going on about the ordure in the Nu-Lavatory Party!

Good work!!