Tuesday 16 December 2008

How Would You Like To See Snotty Get His?

Personally, I'd like for the Great McBroon to suffer the same fate as Hugh Despencer the Younger, who after doing such misdeeds as to gain the title of most evil Englishman in the Middle Ages, fell from grace (ie out of the King's favour) and was put to death in front of a large and joyous crowd.

They watched and cheered as his genitals were cut from him and stuffed in his mouth. He was then hung by the neck for a while but cut down alive, whereupon he was drawn and quartered, with his guts pulled out and burned in front of his still seeing eyes, before the body was dispatched to parts various and his head spiked on Traitor's Gate.

I'd pay good money, personally, and it may serve as a deterrent to the next traitor.

The Penguin


Dungeekin said...

Pay to see it?

I'd pay a damn sight more to be the one doing the maiming.

And you never know your luck - if my dire prediction comes to pass, we may yet see the One-Eyed Moron strung up.


Not a sheep said...

Not even Gordon Brown deserves to have "genitals ...cut from him and stuffed in his mouth", that is too vile a thought; or is it?

Catosays said...

Not a sheep said...

Not even Gordon Brown deserves to have "genitals ...cut from him and stuffed in his mouth", that is too vile a thought; or is it?

16 December 2008 06:19

Cruel maybe....but fair!

Anonymous said...

"genitals ...cut from him and stuffed in his mouth"

Definitely not a good idea - he talks enough bollocks as it is....

Anonymous said...

Political accountability stopped when lamp-posts ceased to have the crossbars that were so handy for attaching the piano wire.

I'm thankful that as one of the (relatively) few people in the country with legal access to pretty heavy weaponry I'm pretty sure which end of the firing squad I'll be on!

"Come on Gordon, play fair. It's a nice bit of wall and we've even got an eye-patch for you specially, wouldn't do to waste a whole blindfold on you would it? 'Twouldn't be prudent.

I would offer you a last cigarette but, unfortunately, this is deemed my place of work so smoking is against the law. It's alright though, the next lot through are the health and safety lot and as soon as I've got rid of them the signs come down and I light up this cigar."

Oh well, a man can dream (and plan).


Anonymous said...

gordon is used to having cocks in his mouth-so it would be a pleasure for him.........

there was a native american chief who was flayed alive and forced to eat his own flesh while the founding fathers of the u.s watched and laughed.

Scalping would be good for mandelson.

Anonymous said...

Impalement mate - nothing beats it. And if he's got a good strong set of legs he could hold himself up there for hours.

Anonymous said...

"They watched and cheered as his genitals were cut from him and stuffed in his mouth."

Is that coz he was a pedo ?

defender said...

Un fortunately The Great Helmsman is but the front face of bastards who would see us fucked.
He, being the charmastic cunt that he is, happen to enjoy his line of work managing the shafting of this great nation of ours.
Yes, for some light entertainment hang him by his single ball, however lets not get carried away with the idea that his demise would be the end of our problem.
There is much work to do to cleanse the utter scum running through the fabric of this nation.
Be aware that their hate and contempt for us is as least as great and I would suggest more than ours for them.
They have effectively killed politics, democracy, control the msm, infiltrated instutions, destroyed the wealth and security of this nation.
They are evil to be sure, there will be no reasoning with them. Please realise we have a bigger task on our hands, at least as severe as Mr. hitler was and blood sweat and tears will be required.