Tuesday 10 March 2009

Telling The Stupid Woman The Truth

Huge congratulations to Sandra Horley, chief executive of the charity Refuge, who told our much appreciated Home Economics Secretary that she was talking complete bollocks over a "Register" of men who hit women and her silly plans to have Inspector Knacker warn women who start relationships with such men.

The Penguin


Sue said...

They're all clinically insane aren't they?

Fidothedog said...

She looks really unhappy, I think a kebab in Peckham followed by a night in fiddling expenses at her sisters house...

Anonymous said...

Wrong time of the month do you think?

banned said...

Shulpa Shetty just told fat cunt Jaqui that some women just can't help themselves falling for dodgey geezers who then beat them a up, one after another and they won't be told.