"I'm a sorry wanker."
I'm not sure if at my age I need more than one Timney a week!
Getting us off (!) to a splendid start, who better than Richard "Dick" Timney, also known as Mr. Home Economics Secretary!
Home Economics, that's a laugh innit?! £232,000 or so economised on by the Timneys at our expense.
The Penguin
A total cunt!!
And you know I don't often swear.
One can only hope that the Tax men are getting on to all the sisters and parents to declare all the money that they are supposed to be getting for the housing provided. We poor sods would be charged at our top whack for any benefit in kind
Cato, wanker might be more apt! :-)
I think wankgate is going to last longer than he did whilst watching the grumble flicks.
The thing is, that information is so definite and so specific and yet so "buried" that someone in the admin office supposedly scrutinising MP's expenses to blank out their addresses MUST deliberately have copied it and leaked it.
Do you suppose Jackboots has any enemies?
Just wondering how apt it might be if he worked for Camelot
The Penguin said...
The thing is, that information is so definite and so specific and yet so "buried" that someone in the admin office supposedly scrutinising MP's expenses to blank out their addresses MUST deliberately have copied it and leaked it.
Yeah, that sort of crossed my mind too. That sort of 'error' just does not leak out by accident. No one would have made a FOI out of it so it has to be a leak....well done that leaker!!
Why does he need a bit of paper to help him say 'sorry' or was the apology like one of his newspaper offerings, drivel?
Or maybe it's true what my mum used to tell my brother - 'stop doing that or you'll go blind.'
Wanker of the Week could be the new category, eh Penguin!
Considering the mess that Jaqui the Boot has made of the Home Office, perhaps she should be called by her correct name - Mrs. Timney - . Now that's gotta hurt!!
I had a weak moment. I actually laughed out loud. Please excuse my outburst.
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