Tuesday 31 March 2009

Gordon's Latest Lecture

"Grab it while you can!"

"In our families we raise our children to work hard and to do their best and do their bit. We don't reward them for taking risks that would put them or others in danger, and we don't encourage them to seek short-term gratification at the expense of long-term value.

And in Britain's small businesses, managers and owners do not train their teams to invest recklessly, behave secretively or keep their biggest gambles off the books.

Most people who have worked hard to build up their firm or shop don't understand why any company would give rewards for failure; or how MPs have grown fabulously wealthy making claims for second homes and employing family members as wankers.

And so our task today is to bring the imperatives served by our members of parliament into proper alignment with the values held by senior bankers who get even more money than they do - hardly any work, taking expenses, being dishonest, being greedy.

It must be fairly transparent but not openly so. And so our task is to agree global economic rules that protect the enduring values of the money we have stashed away for when the electorate throw us out."

The Penguin


Oldrightie said...

It must be fairly transparent but not openly so. And so our task is to agree global economic rules that protect the enduring values of the money we have stashed away for when the electorate throw us out."
Absolutely true. This G20 shit talk about tax haven clampdowns. Sure, those they will have already, with the help of Myners and their ilk, made sure their cash and loot has been transferred out of. Yet people fall for it. Nobody questions the secrecy and private machinations that really go on behind the scenes. Flames and people's revulsion can be ugly. More Dan Hannan public statements would be nice. When you realise how much we know about "porno" loving socialists the more you understand the real secrets that are so well hidden. Our new weapon is blogging. I'll wager my life the bastards are working 24/7 to wreck this piece of weaponry.They must fail.

Anonymous said...

I would love to meet up with Brown, take him for a drink, sit him down comfortably then twist his head around by his neck unti it came off and rolled across the floor.

Other than that let's have a civil war - now!

Anonymous said...

Jaqui said "I got hold of that wanker's bollocks just like that"