Following the anouncement that the Nu-Liebore Government is planning to fuck about with the law on prostitution

Maybe not such a good idea?
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
Jesus Christ. Who in their right minds would want to shag Hewitt or Spliff?
I'd give the Chipmunk one or six though!
Yeah, but would you be prepared to pay for it?
Your lay-out is all over the place. Incidentally I wouldn't fancy any of those whores...
Yep, the layout is crap but I'm a beginner at this.
The Penguin said...
Yeah, but would you be prepared to pay for it?
Certainly not, I pay enough already to keep my wife in the style she demands.
Fine if you're blind I suppose or there is the old saying 'You don't look at the mantlepiece while you're poking the fire'. Bet it would do a lot for condom sales - you wouldn't want to catch anything, now would you?
Yep, the layout is crap but I'm a beginner at this.
It's them dammed flippers and sub-zero Antartic conditions.
Tried it myself once (blogging not shagging prossies) and was OK at fixing pictures of upskirt models, but the page and a half of text was dire and clumpy.
Prostitution is a funny thing though, have never used them. Yet the few women I have scored with cost me loads and loads in one way or another. No such thing as free love.
Like your blog.
Why, thank you kind sir. 'tis the result of too much time waiting for the 'phone to ring, and my outrage over recent events.
Thank fuck I'm gay!
Although I suspect after viewing the selection on offer here a few more might be reconsidering their sexuality too.
Sorry, completely forgot La Beckett. Can't think why. Will see what I can do. Anyone know how to arrange the photos neatly?
Anyone know how to arrange the photos neatly?
Just grab a passing 10 year old, same as the rest of us technophobes do.
Deep Throat said...
Just grab a passing 10 year old, same as the rest of us.
Shorly shum mishtake!!!
Oh, I don't know. Caroline Flint's got a fading Dervla Kirwan cuteness to her, in a spank me Matron kind of way.
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