"Sometimes I had to deliver as many as 3 letters to the same address, fucking dangerous, I deserve a bonus!"
It's a fucking difficult call to make, but I am veering towards awarding Alan "Postman Prat" Johnson the title of the stupidest cunt in the cabinet.
This thick bastard walked around in the rain and the snow for 19 fucking years shoving letters through letterboxes and shitting himself if a dog barked before it dawned on him that going full time as one of the brothers meant a nice warm dry office. He's the stupid cunt who thought that patients choosing to buy drugs that might keep them alive was likely to destroy the NHS. He thinks he knows better than real scientists the dangers of various drugs.
Now, as Home Secretary he insists he can't stop the extradition to the United States of some nerdy computer hacker despite advice to the contrary by independent m'learned friends and now even the fucking useless Home Affairs Select Committee.
And to top it all, although he has never ever served in the Armed Forces or set foot in the MOD, he tries to defend the indefensible bonuses paid to the penpushers and other REMFs by claiming that their jobs are as dangerous as serving in the frontline in Afghanistan.
Even among the bunch of talent-free wankers and has-beens in Gordon McDoom's cabinet of no-hopers, Alan Johnson stands tall as the stupidest cunt of them all.
The Penguin
He's also the guy who wants to keep innocent peoples DNA on a database permanently, though he's trying for 6 years at the minute as if it's some sort of concession.
He was a crap postman as well.
I wonder where Rowan Atkinson (The Devil) would put him when he arrives at Hell? Perhaps with the Adulterers in front of the small guillotine, or maybe with the bastards who used to kill whales.....
You got some sort of fixation?
Fucking modern architects!!!!!
He was a favourite for the leadership not so long ago. He has postman cred.
You must have a measuring scale with infinitesimally small divisions.
I don't use it as a rule.
Hard to believe this guy was so hotly tipped for so long. Given his avowed indifference to the fate of the country if the pop'n grows much further and his apparent determination to see off "discrimination" (ie anything that might label his daughter a slapper) he certainly in the running for this award, evidently highly coveted by the political class.
But on the upside, if he's Liebours hope instead of McDoom, then they are well and truely fucked. There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. Has an election ever been more longed for?
A stupid, obnoxious cunt like Johnson is absolutely perfect as a stupid, obnoxious cunt like Brown's successor. Should keep Labour out for a very long time! Cunts!!
This is the dangerous idiot who "would not lose any sleep if the population went over 70m"
He either IS a complete idiot or he has the usual left agenda to destroy our country and impose their own view of how society should be run.
I'm an ex-pat living in Sweden. I was round a friend's house helping her paint her kitchen, while listening to Radio 4 online. There was a news story and Johnson was mentioned. I muttered "cunt". She said, "who is a cunt"? "Alan Johnson is a cunt". "Who is Alan Johnson?" "I'll show you".
I typed "alan johnson cunt" in Google Images et voila, I stumbled across your superb blog.
As we both read it I said, "whoever the author of this brilliantly perceptive summary is, he/she is a person after my own heart. Alan Johnson is a CUNT of the highest order. Slimey, ex-postman, shit-for-brains, untrustworthy, mongoloid-eyes, horrible CUNT".
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