Thursday 12 November 2009

No Wonder The Fucking BBC Go Easy On The Troughing Politicians!

Grasping Cunt With a Basic £884,000 Salary - Plus Big Expenses

Well, what a fucking surprise this isn't. The feather-bedded BBC, whose fucking crap programmes are interspersed with more bleeding adverts than the supposedly commercial channels (only difference is that they are all for other BBC-related money-spinners, like books and exhibitions, and other fucking programmes) and yet tax every cunt with a TV whether they watch the fucking BBC or not, are mega-troughers in terms of expenses.

They make our corrupt and sleaze-ridden politicians look like fucking amateurs when it comes to getting the snout in deep.

No fucking wonder that their "journalists" give the politicians such an easy ride.


The Penguin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It costs a lot to be impartial!On the wages supplied,one can afford to be nothing but impartial,especially to Nu Labour.Good old tax payer,keep on working to support the benefit thieves.