Making a fucking mountain out of a molehill, some uppity mouthy gobshite has been stupid enough to take so much offence over fuck all that he's passed up a free meal and a bottle of champagne in pursuit of another apology over absolutely fuck-all.
I suppose he's going to avoid going to the MOBO gigs?
I bet he's got a whole shelf full of CDs with the word "BLACK" on them somewhere as a descriptive adjective. Gonna burn them all, are you? Like fuck.
Going to walk out is disgust at a Chris Rock comedy gig? Or throw a strop at Lenny Henry? Complain to the rozzers about the Association of Black Plod?
Stupid Cunt.
The Penguin
What a pair of cunts. "Spoiled the evening"? Like fuck it did, it probably made your day when you saw an opportunity for some free dosh. Cunty cunt.
You can bet that they are dreaming of a white Xmas !!
I think The Slug and Lettuce should have refuse to let them in on the grounds of the nasty and probably virulent skin problem all over lover boy's forehead.
I mean, it'd put me right off a prawn cocktail.
No wonder no one else was in the fucking restaurant, one glance through the window and straight home to dab on the TCP, innit?
Christ almighty,they're ugly.
Which one is the slug and which is the lettuce?
Perhaps the "minority" community would provide us fuckwits with a list of titles they don't mind being called. After all, if it had been a ginger couple, who would have complained, fucking no-one!
I am sick and tired of this!
I know people that simply won't employ minorities anymore cos they're so much fucking hassle.
See, minorities, you're fucking yourselves up... grow up. We all have labels.
I could be described as the grumpy old bag who complains all the time but I won't go to the Daily Mail if someone calls me that!
Oh my god your all fuking racists!!!!
Lazy fuckers should have got a table number first ( S & L being a Weatherspoons ).
They probably go through life dreaming up things to feel victimized about just for the freebies. Ugly CUNTS.
Michael Jackson used to have the same problem, everyone calling him a black cunt when in fact he was Snow White.
Fucking ignorant cunts.
It's not a racist statement it's a description you dozy bastards. Still, if all you've had during the course of your education is lessons on how victmised you are being black an' everyfin' then any chance to have a pop at whitey is probably OK in your self-obsessed little world. A free meal? I'd have told them to fuck off..
I'm sick of these cunts taking offence at nothing, and the cunts who encourage them.
I take exception to all this as there are 2 things in life I can't stand racial discrimination and black fuckers.
They black innit? If it had said 'fucking ugly black couple with bloke with strange skin disease so wash your hands after handling their dishes' I could have understood their outrage. Some people just hang around waiting for an excuse to be offended & this 'fucking ugly black couple with bloke with strange skin disease' obviously belong to that ilk. M'mm - isn't he a bit old for a student? Thick as well ugly?
was there abuse on the bill? Maybe it was a way of identifying them. In Nigeria, I've heard people say, 'that white man'. It's not abuse. it's a description. We have a lot of time on our hands in this country I suppose.
Well, next time they go for a meal at the Slug and Lettuce, their bill will probably describe them as 'a pair of chancing c*nts' ... upstairs.
Just looking for a reason to be victims. Just because they were the only customers at the time, doesn't mean the pub didn't expect more customers. Agree with Sue - give me a list of acceptable terms to describe minorities. Apparently porch monkeys, bootlips is no longer allowed.
Whenever there is a news photo about an offended victim, it's always posed with the camera at a low angle and the offended ones posing with a martyred look. Contrived.
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