Wednesday 11 November 2009

Postman Prat - Untrustworthy As Well As Useless!

"They Know If My Lips Are Moving I'm Lying, So I'm Hiding My Mouth Like This..."

Would you trust this man? If so, how far? Could he be depended upon to look after a recorded delivery letter? Could you trust him not to breach your confidence by having your resignation splashed all over the BBC-Pravda News while you were still on the train trying to get home? Would you trust him to tell the truth? Can you imagine him being any more honest than Bliar and Broon as Prime Minister? Would he take decisions in the interests of the country, or for his own narrow political and personal benefit?

Personally I wouldn't trust him to sit the right way round on a lavatory!

The Penguin


microdave said...

"Personally I wouldn't trust him to sit the right way round on a lavatory!"

You must have been listening to Rowan Atkinson's "Father Of The Bride" sketch.

Hacked Off said...

What in my day they would have called a proper spastic...

microdave said...

Yes, you have!

Hacked Off said...

So why the fuck has she married Martin?

Anonymous said...

Has Postman Pat had his finger up Harriet Harman? What the fuck is the jumped-up little cunt sniffing?

microdave said...

If the Government could be likened to a compost heap (and I believe they can), he would be the biggest weed growing out of it....

Hacked Off said...

There comes a time at these events when the poor bastard who is paying for it all gets to have his say...

microdave said...

"I intend to speak to you, much as my wife sang through the service we've all just.....enjoyed, with no real notes."