Friday 20 November 2009

At Last Some Good News

"Anything You Do Say Will Be Written Down..."

"The Crown Prosecution Service has decided there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute the Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP for the offences of driving without due care and attention and driving whilst using a handheld mobile telephone in relation to an incident on 3 July 2009.

"The Metropolitan police service provided papers to the CPS on 9 November 2009 which were reviewed by the special crime division in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors. An MPS employee will now attend a magistrates court in order to obtain a summons to be served on Ms Harman."

This is amusing on many levels - not least because the mad bitch was Solicitor General when NuLiebore made using a mobile phone while driving illegal, one of their multitude of laws dictating what we can and can't do. Then there's her high-handed ignoring the law and driving away from the crash without providing the necessary information, typical of the political elite who think they are above the laws they pass to restrict the ordinary little people.

Not to mention she can't fucking drive becasue she's a woman. Allegedly.

The Penguin


Dungeekin said...


'Mobile Phone Driving Law to be Repealed'


Anonymous said...

She'll get off - they're nailing it on due care & attention while using a mobile, not for smacking into another motor and fucking off. Witnesses will probably not be able to say for sure that she was on the blower - case dismissed! Just wait & see....

WV: gauen (fuck yerself)

The Last Of The Few said...

No F*****ng way it will come to anything.

Just watch..........

That is not due care and attention.
1. Mobile law is clear....dont do it.
She did it thats an offence itself.
2. If she broke that law then its not due care and aattention.......its dangerous driving.

Thats SFA.

Blind Pugh said...

This news has cheered me up no end. Yes, she'll wriggle out of it. But while the case goes on, her minging face will be all over the papers and TV and the voting public will remember what a conniving twisted cunt she is. Pity it hadn't happened to Hazel Blears, that would've been perfect.

Hacked Off said...

I reckon the plod gave the bitch a stab-vest several sizes too small cos they knew she'd look really FAT in any photographs...

Head Jobsworth CPS said...

Lets save the taxpayer loads of money.
Not guilty its all within the rules.
I use this every time when dealing with MPs.

Captain Swing said...

Can we hang the bitch yet or out of fair play should we burn her alive at the stake.

panavia999 said...

We had a similar event in California. State senator Carole Migden was driving erratically in her state issued hybrid SUV and pinged off concrete divider and later rear-ended a small car. She was on her way to a meeting. She'd been driving erratically for 30 miles and several people called to report the driving but the police were unable to locate her. One witness who had called the police said she was reading and using a cellphone. She claimed the accident happened when she reached for her ringing cellphone. Then she claimed it a reaction to leukemia medication made her disoriented. She pleaded no contest to reckless driving, was fined $710, her license was suspended for several months AND she lost her senate seat in the next election. AND the State of California paid $335,000 to the victim in the crash. Ironically, she voted for legislation banning cellphone use while driving.
(She also introduced legislation requiring restaurants to post calorie contents of food, because apparently we can't tell if that deep fried macaroni and cheese entree is fattening.)

.243 Win said...

Fair's fair Penguin, Plod can only supply stab-proofs up to XXXXXL. Did the best they could for the fat cow.

Mad As A HatterPerson said...

I would be proud if Harriet became the first WOMAN minister in this lousy government to be charged and found guilty of at least one offence, any offence, just being born FFS - but in reality even Harriet herself will no doubt be dismayed as the legal eagles get her off, but of course, she is a WOMAN

wv. - boxylofo - do you know something we don't?

banned said...

Panavia999, ta for that.

But why hasn't the the shreiking harridan ( Harman ) been done for driving away from an accident and failing to report herself to plod like the rest of us have to ? I thought the cunt was into EQUALITY and all that ?