Quite apart from the super-efficient Doctor Shipman and the dodgy imported "GP"s providing out of hours cover and bumping patients off, supposedly through ignorance or exhaustion, the NHS is going above and beyond the call of duty.
Some poor bugger survived the Iraq War and British Army Rations, comes home safely but required a lung transplant. Amazingly, he gets one.
Problem is, it belonged to a chain-smoker and was already riddled with cancer.
I wonder who got George Best's liver?
The Penguin
PS "There's good news and bad news, Mrs. Nicholls. The bad news is, we didn't need to amputate your leg after all. However, the good news is that Mrs. Worthington in the next bed wants to buy your slippers."
"Early X-rays on the organs did not find any sign of cancer."
Didn't anyone think to check the donor's medical history?? Not wanting to start any arguments, but I would have thought that they could have smelt he was a smoker.
Fuck me, if I was going to buy a second hand engine for my car I would probably do better checks than that....
The balck colour and all the fag ash falling out might have been clues as well....
Or even "black" ...
One can easily imagine the old ladies confusion, pop into hospital to get your foot checked out.
Next thing you know one sock too many.
What a nightmare.
You can't say "black" now (or even balck)
You might offend someone....
Those fuckers in the NHS let my Mum, whose lifelong career was spent in the Heroic NHS following WW2 training in London, go blind by withdrawing for no good reason the eyesight drug " pilocarpin " as for many others. NHS cunts. Probably in favour of some new untested superdrug as supplied by MegaPharma.
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