Sunday 4 October 2009

Another One Bang To Rights

"I'm Sorry Madam, But You'll Have To Accompany Me To The Police Station!"

The Harpy has been caught bang to rights crashing her car while using a mobile phone and then failing to give registration and insurance details before driving away.

Still, if she's lucky her fellow traveller and law breaker Baroness Scotland will still be the Attorney General and can ensure that the CPS don't bother with any tiresome prosecution.

The Penguin


Anonymous said...

How come this has stayed under covers for so long? July - October - quite a length of time.

DaveP said...

Im sure any one of her subjects would have had their day in court by now. Wonder if we will ever hear any more on this one?

Bugger Lugs said...

Banged up in the same cell, oh let it be.

Len said...

I think this says it all...

Dave said...

Mad hattie and cash in hand Scotland both agree that the law is what they say it is, nothing more nothing less.

What better example of the nanny state when these wimmin can utter the immortal phrase "Don't do as I do, do as I say!"

banned said...

Boris mocked her criminality at Manchester yet she is still not charged with the clear cut Offence of failing to report the accident to a Police Station within 24 hours.
Is there any way a Member Of The Public can instigate a prosecution ?