Tuesday 7 April 2009

More Trouble For The Fat Lodger

A Huge Police Guard Protects Home Secretary From Angry Japanese Wankers

A Japanese Porn Site is taking legal action against the Home Unfit For Purpose Orifice and it's proprietor, the notorious Fat Lodger Jacquie Smith after it was found that a website run by the Government's Technical Advisory Board, to provide information about the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism was linking to their far more interesting pages.

"Customers don't want to have their wanking enjoyment ruined by being diverted to information about getting 15% discount on new window locks - that's not why they pay their subscriptions. Just ask Richard Timney of Redditch!" said Hiroshito Whackoneoff. "This is very serious. Customer just getting to vinegar strokes over oriental schoolgirl being plowed up the shitter don't want to suddenly see photograph of fat middle aged woman with droopy chins and glasses! We could lose business big time!"

The Penguin


Oldrightie said...

Was it Mr Timney-Smith attempting to cover his ttracks?

Catosays said...

Attempting to cover his Kleenex more like!

Lexander said...

What about the performance from the fat cow on Today programme this morning. She is still really treating it as a bit of a laugh.

Anonymous said...

In all honesty if you where the Rabid Shanker from Red-itch would you be happy to climb on the fat lodger for some jollies.

The thought...

Umbongo said...

On a tangential matter, how short do you have to be before you cannot qualify to join the police? When I was a boy the minimum height was (I think) 5'8". That was scrapped at the same time as the title "WPC". Looking at the people of small stature (is that PC enough I wonder?) surrounding 5-chins, the maximum height seems to be about 4'10". Has Hazel Blears' physique become the template for the boys (and girls) in blue?