Friday 24 April 2009

Police Priorities In London

"As long as Jacqui can get her Kebabs safely, my work is done!"

It seems that the Met and the British Transport Police have some very odd priorities.

They can field hundreds of hyped up thugs to bash demonstrators and protesters who are not breaking the law, but fail to do anything to stop a prolonged attack on tube trains in Acton. It has been suggested that this attack took place over the course of two hours and caused severe damage to 11 trains.

I do hope that Boris gets a grip on the new Commissar's goolies and squeezes them hard.

The Penguin

1 comment:

microdave said...

"I do hope that Boris gets a grip on the new Commissar's goolies and squeezes them hard."

He could also get some paint stripper and wipe the perma-tanned smile off his face...