Thursday 20 May 2010

Hard Done By My Arse!

The Voters Kick Out The Thief!

That fat thief who was once the second-Home Secretary is complaining that too much "focus" was placed on her expenses stealing.

She blagged well over a hundred grand by claiming that her main residence was a spare room in her sister's house. Oh, and she claimed for her husband's porn movies.

There was a case a few years back where an apparently genuine mistake was made over the definition of a main residence, and the MP had to pay back the over-claim.

I can't think of any reason why this precedent should not be applied to Jackboots Smith.

Then we'd really hear some squealing and squeaking!!!

The Penguin


Joe Public said...

The Sow is lucky she's not in prison.

Captain Haddock said...

She'd be squealing a damned sight louder if I had the power of life & death ..

Hamish Macgregor Smith of that ilk. said...

She's English and a woman, allegedly, what on earth did you expect? Their all fat sweaty and ugly.

Dungeekin said...

Word on the street is she's already got a new job.....


Anonymous said...

The self entitled cow had the cheek to make out her husband "Gave up his Career" to watch the kids when the great responsibilities of state were thrust upon her. Listen Love if my wife was earning the same as the Home Secretary AND getting a nice little earner from her second home allowance then I would give up my career as well. FFS!!!

Dungeekin said...


Don't forget the £40k 'Tugger' Timney was pulling down as her 'secretary' too.... Add that into your calculations.

Y'know, lest we forget the venal troughers that were the Labour Party in this festival of self-pity :-)


Anonymous said...

As already pointed out, old 'Tugger' got £40K for 'watching the children' so, don't see how s/he can complain. Tthe thieving bitch is very lucky that she's nor being charged with fraud. Now that she's lost her job & therefore hasn't any strings to pull now, would it be worthwhile making an official complaint to the Police again? Incidentally, anyone know what Tugger's 'career' was?

Captain Haddock said...

Anonymous @ 1707 said...

"Incidentally, anyone know what Tugger's 'career' was" ?

Chicken Choker, Log Flogger, Monkey Spanker, Acorn Thrasher .. take yer pick ..

He's still all of the above .. but at least its no longer Tax-payer subsidised ..

Captain Haddock said...

Amongst "Tugger's" many other dubious talents, I forgot to mention that he was also a letter-writer extraordinare ..

Anyone else remember how he was exposed for writing to the local rag (under his own name) extolling her virtues as an MP & saying how much she'd helped him and other constituents ?

Meanwhile, she continued to kick the arse out of the "exes" as Ms Smith ..

Anonymous said...

It would be awful if Five Bellies Jacqui Smith, the trougher, ended up as upset as one of her erstwhile colleagues, Fiona Jones, was upon losing her seat (and all that lovely lolly).

Jones died after a serious problem with alcohol, exacerbated by alleged expenses irregularities and losing her seat.

Captain Haddock said...

Yes, wouldn't it ?

Truly awful .. fnar fnar ...

Chris Ferguson also known as K.McEgan and Ron Broxted said...

One of the films she tried to claim for was titled "Raw Meat 3" This homoerotic masterpiece is a particular favourite of mine, and is a horn inducing parade of naked well oiled young gay males exposing their well honed bodies and six packs, not to say a fine display of underpants containing smuggled budgerigars.....Oooh matron.