More lunacy and stupidity by the CPS and our ludicrous "Criminal" Justice System after two little boys have been found guilty of attempted rape of an 8 year old girl who admitted in court that she had been voluntarily playing doctors and nurses but then lied about it to her fuckwit mother in order to get sweets.
What a fucking silly waste of taxpayers' money - and what effect is this going to have on the children? Playing doctors and nurses and investigating each other's privates has been going on as a perfectly normal part of growing up since for ever. And now thanks to some uptight cretin of a mother and her right-on attitude allied to unbelievable stupidity by the cunts at the CPS, two little boys have been put through a legal process which they have no way of understanding and with consequences which are too daft to comprehend.
Well done, you fucking idiots.
The Penguin
The implication from the Times report is that as all 3 voluntarily showed their genitals to each other, all 3 are equally guilty / (innocent!) of sex-offender-register action.
I'm fucking speechless! Stupid stupid twats at the CPS if they really thought that it was in the public interest to pursue a prosecution of such young children. They couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery...
All children display exploratory “play” in all areas social, language and indeed theirs/others bodies. Half the school I teach in could be had up for “attempted rape” then if this case sets the bench mark. My own daughter played “show me yours if I show you mine” with two boys at school about a year ago. The dep head (a chap) was superb and dealt with it sensibly and effectively. Deal with this behaviour calmly and appropriately teaching children about their bodies the difference and what is and isn’t appropriate. Be neither judgmental nor angry as this would give the completely wrong message to youngsters whose inquisitive natures should be encouraged not stifled. The PC brigade really have cocked up here…..as has the girls Mother……..very sad
Well, ok but the fucking jury found them guilty.
Weren't the boys a bit older? Ten and eleven?
Does this mean that *all* under 16s who indulge in sex play/curiosity are liable to go on the sex offender's register?
I did it when I was younger, who didn't?
Okay, I ended up on the Register because I was 36 at the time.
The Daily Mash gets it right again - "FOUR YEAR-OLD DOG FOUND GUILTY OF RAPE"
Top Times comment
Ben Stannard wrote:
Guilty of "you show me yours and i`ll show you mine". I think the only solution to this case is to charge everyone and put us all on the sex offenders list.
Fail on Appeal, certain.
It may well fail on appeal. But any enhanced CRB check these boys have to undergo from now on will show that they were once accused of rape.You now only have to be accused. Job done.
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