That wondrous charlatan Vince Cable is dropped right in the cack by "Dave" Cameron, who instead of giving him an easy ride as number 2 in the Treasury has made him the Business Secretary.
This is "Saint" Vincent's big chance to show what he is really made of. Will he live up to his own hype, or be revealed as a bald twat who once made a half-decent joke about the departed Jonah?
Just remember, an economist is someone who is good with numbers but has not got enough personality to be an accountant.
The Penguin
It’s been fascinating to watch who gets chosen for the new Cabinet- one thing that stands out is that more than half, including David Laws, are members of Generation Jones - the previously lost generation between Baby-Boomers and Gen-X. This should be very significant because GenJonesers tend to be significantly less ideological than Boomers - here’s an interesting article about GenJones: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/jonathan-pontell-cleggs-rise-is-the-sound-of-generation-jones-clearing-its-throat-1961191.html
It could be a shrewd move by Dave. Making Vince responsible for business may have the effect of restraining him from promoting anti business legislation.??
"an economist is someone who is good with numbers but has not got enough personality to be an accountant"
Isn't it "actuary" rather than "economist"?
No, actuaries are even worse...
Although it might be considered quite interesting to have a Master of Arts degree and then become a fellow of the Institute of Actuaries!
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