As Alistair "Porn And Whisky" Campbell prepares to try and rake in the ackers by publishing and promoting his unexpurgated diaries of his years spinning lies for Bliar and Brown, he should perhaps consider hiring a seriously good team of lawyers.
After all, now that there's a Liberal Democrat - Conservative coalition in power and eager to discredit the NuLiebore government it has replaced, what is more likely than a proper police enquiry in the death of Doctor David Kelly, especially with Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker banging away at his favourite drum.
It would make for some very uncomfortable moments for others such as Bliar and Hoon as well.
The Penguin
Oh .. I see one of the finest examples of the Labour education system has taken time off from claiming the "Old King Cole" to post here too ..
Yes, but he's so boring I've decided we can do without him.
All it would take is five minutes......
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