Monday 3 May 2010

Vote For Me Or I'll Strangle This Little Girl!

Jonah is getting desperate!

The Penguin


Oldrightie said...

It's usually little boys he manhandles. Note the confusion.

Anonymous said...

either way that picture will appeal to the child molesting fuck wits who haunt this site I bet they are still wanking the fuck out of their little smelly cocks sad Hunoverian inbred fucks no wonder the scots hate your fucking guts you are as bad as the fucking taliban you should all fuck of and join them evry one hates you sad bastards now fuck the fuck of and take your smelly cunt bitch german quenn with you

Anonymous said...

either way that picture will appeal to the child molesting fuck wits who haunt this site I bet they are still wanking the fuck out of their little smelly cocks sad Hunoverian inbred fucks no wonder the scots hate your fucking guts you are as bad as the fucking taliban you should all fuck of and join them evry one hates you sad bastards now fuck the fuck of and take your smelly cunt bitch german quenn with you

Hacked Off said...

Even more boringly repetitious than usual, aren't you? I think I'll start calling you Hamish and keep you as a sort of trophy pet anonymong.

Please don't spill your porridge here, we try and keep the place clean.