Well, it's not all bad news - the good people of Redditch have disregarded the visit of the Messiah and thrown the cheating troughpig Jacqui "Box Room" Smith out on her ear.
It also mean that her husband, "Tugger" Timney, will be out of a job as well!
The Penguin
PS With any luck another election soon will bankrupt NuLiebore and it's union backers.
PPS What is it with the troughpig's neck? Has she been guzzling so much from the taxpayers that her gullet has had to expand to cope? Or maybe "Tugger" has been up to some new tricks?
One piece of very good news! Old Lardass or 'Tugger' will now have to get a real job.
It's an ill wind that blows no good.
Have ye forgotten it does not end here a big lard arse pension for life plus big payoff.
More then the Cadbury workers got I guess.
Maybe weshould takeout a contract?
Fuck me what day is it, the wifes in a mood cos i fucked a bottle of Gin, i must have been enjoying last night, though i cant remember much.
I won't miss her, but as Get Smart rightly says, she won't be hurting too badly for a while. Outgoing MPs get a 'parachute payment' to help them 'readjust' to having to earn a living from someone other than the taxpayer. Nosing round t'internet suggests she could be in line for around £50K - first £30K tax-free. (Should point out I think that is being scrapped in the next Parliament.)
As regards her pension, The Times reported in early April that Julie Kirkbride - who had 13 years in Parliament same as Jacqui Smith - would be getting around £20K a year. For life. OK, the MPs have been paying 9-10% of their salary into the pension fund, but then they could usually make that up again on some creative expense claims.
So as I say, I don't suppose she'll be down the soup kitchen tonight.
Seeing this ugly cunt close to tears was ambrosia.
Quivering, thieving Labour horror pig can now earn her living from serving her husband's dirty fantasies.
I hope she kills her family and then herself. It's the right thing to do Jacqui.
Does not matter what happens to her she has made off with the money.
If there is any justice she will be brought to book sometime soon.
Tugger may not need to watch porn and tug the night away now that the delectable Jaqui has the time on her hands to.............oh fuck I am going to be sick.
Pity the voters of Salford didn't do the same to the unspeakably vile Hazel Blears. No doubt, in the bloodbath that will follow Brown's losing of the election, the vile ginger cunt will arselick her way back up the greasy totempole and become rehabilitated and her whining mug will be back on the TV spouting the party line. I hope she catches cancer.
Agree Blind Pugh
how can it be possible for Blears to be voted into Parliament? What were the idiots thinking? Same for Burnham, Balls, Woolass, Harman, thelot of them.
Sme sanity in the midlands over Smith but as for Dromey - there are some seriously unintelligent, deluded voters out there
Jesus, what an ugly pile of saturated fat this cunt amounts to. Ugly inside, ugly outside. A betrayer. A betrayer of the people she was supposed to defend, protect and represent. It's High Treason. No other phrase is befitting. Hanging. Public Hanging. No other remedy for such execrable filth. Hard times demand hard measures. Burn these cunts.
Oh come on now she's not all bad......She's got big tits !
Same as the voters in sunny Stockport returned the pile of shit called Ann Coffey ex social worker and fuckwit. Vote fodder in "the house" and general nonenity.
I see Doris Naddine has still got her job after worrying about all her MP mates were going to top themselves, just a pity they didn't.
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