What a cowardly wuss District Judge Carolyn Mellanby is!
The Islamic Extremists are bang to rights on video, there is no way they are not guilty as charged - so she finds them guilty, and then lets them off with a paltry fine.
No wonder they see it as a victory. And she let them get away with contempt of court for fear of causing offence. Stupid bitch.
The Penguin
The PC brigade fail to realise that they are openly ADMITTING they believe these Islamo nutters are primitive fuckwits by letting them get away with it.
That said, I believe they're primitive fucwits too. Who should piss the piss off and live in their Islamic utopia of beatings, stonings and clit mutilation. No 25k a year free money, mind.
Dont worry the tide is turning on these nutters ,public oppion will soon put them in same lge as BNP
Labour justice - they do it to annoy the rest of us!
Well said Penguin.
I could quite cheerfully shoot any one (or more) of them, just for looking like that.
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