Whereas it seems young Kirk just fucked you for the funding.
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
Most Irish women prefer young blokes, especially if they're not Irish.
It is reported the slag said she found pooves and paedos equally disgusting. But surely shagging a lad of 19 at her pensionable age qualifies her as a paedo?
Whatever way you look at it, she's a cunt.
Heaven holds a place for those who PRAY....Mrs Robinson, not PREY on young lads....
If he got the £1.6 million they are talking about in grants plus this dodgy loan, and it was "just a brief affair" - that makes the little boy worth tens if not hundreds of thousands of pounds per fuck. He must be something special!
You're a fine advert for "Care In The Community", Ron.
The odious old hag said it meant nothing to her... I suppose because she wants to suck up to her husband now. But I bet it meant even less to him. He's a fit young lad. Having got the money out of her, and now being worth a bob to two, I guess he's hitched up with someone who doesn't remind him of his great grandmother....
Ugh. The thought is just soooooooo revolting. Have you see her wrinkles close up? Jeez, he musta wanted that café really bad.
I've blogged a few bits about her over at Munguin's Republic.
If you two don't fuck the fuck off I'll just delete everything you say here.
Or maybe I'll just delete one of you one day, and the other twat another so what you do say is completely rubbished.
Clear off and pollute a youth club somewhere.
And Heres to you Mrs Robinson
Heaven doesn't hold a place for sanctomonious, hypocritical old slags who use their ill-deserved political postion to gain undeclared pecuniary advantage in the hope of getting some more 19 year old cock before trying to end their worthless sack of shit life but failing miserably even at that.
Not quite as snappy as the S&G lyrics but I think far more pertinent.
Pretty good none the less Anon
I suppose I'm a bit of a tart, I wouldn't turn her down if I thought there was £50000 up for grabs.
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