Cadbury workers can now expect the worst, thanks to Jonah McDoom weighing in with some stupid and fatuous remark of meaningless rubbish claiming to be "determined" that their jobs are secure.
What a fucking cunt that Jonah is! Why can't he just fucking shut up and stay in the bunker rather than blighting peoples' lives with his visitations and curses?
The Penguin
He could pay the IPCC and the delightful Mr Pachauri a visit.....
You have to feel sorry for the Cadbury's workers. First they get told they're being taken over (which inevitably means job losses). Then Brown reassures them that their jobs are safe. Talk about sticking the knife in, the cunt.
Couldn't have put it better myself Penguin. Wish you had a tweet button so I could RT this!
Kraft borrowed the money to finance the takeover from none other than RBS, you know, the bank 87% owned by the government. So now we are lending people money to make British workers redundant, good eh?
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