If there's one good thing apart from the failure of the Hoon and Hewitt "plot" it is the wondrous performance of David "Gooning Boy" Millipede, whose dithering and cowardly behaviour should finally fuck up his chances of ever becoming leader of the NuLiebore Band Of Brothers.
Famous for his Banana Waving before being slapped down as a "novice" the strange alien also bottled when his friend Purnell resigned, and now he's done a strange McCavity impression to leave that poor cunt Hoon and that silly bitch Hewitt standing there like pork pies at a Jewish Wedding.
Meanwhile Gordon limps on towards a deserved kicking by the electorate.
The Penguin
Meanwhile Gordon limps on towards a deserved kicking by the electorate.
As long as The MSM and BBC don't count the ballot papers, Penny.
We always look at that picture of the Millipede with the banana and it enters the nation's subconscious and it almost seems natural. But then you say what sort of utter twat (in some parallel universe of their own creation)could think that it was a good idea to be photographed in such a manner and be in the least bit credible. A worthy successor to Jonah....ZORRO
His affinity with bananas is no coincidence.
Their colour matches that of the streak between his shoulderblades.
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