Sunday 21 June 2009

Prove You Believe It, Jobsworth!

Bob "The Knob" Ainsworth, the over-promoted trade union organiser now laughably our Secretary Of State for Defence keeps insisting against the evidence that the RAF Nimrod aircraft is safe to fly.

Well, Jobsworth, let's see you put your fat saggy arse where your words are. Go and fly around Afghanistan in one, including an in flight refuelling.

Then we might fucking well believe you. Oh, and then go out with the troops in a fucking Snatch Landrover.

The Penguin


George said...

It ain't gonna happen, what I would really like, no love to see is him in the chair at the killing house, Hereford, shouting that the Snatch Rovers are fine. Oh and what fucking experiance has he got to comment on any fucking military matters the bloke is a complete fucking knob jockey. Fucking government of all talents bollocks, government of lying cheating commie fuckheads.

subrosa said...

Auch RP, don't let the fool anywhere near our troops. He's so ignorant it's unbelievable.

Goodnight Vienna said...

Hear, hear - a weasel of the highest order misleading the House and the families of the dead. What George said.

Biggles (retired) said...

Take him for a flight in a Tiger Moth then we'll find out how good the sticky tape is that keeps that syrup on.

Anonymous said...

Then invert the Tiger Moth and drop him out from a fair height to splat onto something solid.

Cannon Fodder said...

Knob Jobsworth more like it its knob jockeys like this that spout utter trout. Give him a flak jacket, tin hat and send him to the front, what a cunt.