I've just been bullied into giving Pashabelle part of my toast with butter and marmite.
She is a proper little madam!
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
Our cat is costing us a fortune. It's got some sort of urinary tract disease and needs a special diet, plus numerous vet visits. Bill is over £300 so far.
I suggested to my wife that a hessian sack and a house brick costs less than a fiver from B&Q but she didn't take it too well. Picture but no sound in my house now...
If you think that the cat has lost it's quality of like, kindest thing is the jab from the vet. Seems to be absolutely instant and painless, last cat was "put to sleep" in my arms, just like switching off a light. Still cried my eyes out!
He's back to his usual self. Thank god. It was terrible seeing him in pain, and the look of shame on his face when he was pissing all over the house. He couldn't help it, of course. Couldn't part with him.
My other cat, Darcy, has a heart condition brought on by his being ridiculously over athletic. Daily tablets keep him alive - wasn't a good time when I noticed that he was paralysed from the waist down though.
Big tough fuckers, ain't we?
You pussies!
Glad to see your office looks as chaotic as mine! I agree with the cat comments, I've got two and they're spoilt rotten.
That's the kitchen! The office is far worse!!
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