What is it with the Nu-Liebore Party, that they seem to attract women with more than their fair share of teeth?
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
They're for gobbling up expenses, Penny.
Well no sensible male is going to risk the other sort of gobbling with a set of nashers like that...
"Neigh lass" ..
FFS .. She could eat an apple through a tennis racquet with that set of tobmstones ..
Probably also show well in the "Minger's Handicap" (3.30 at Kempton) ..
Is she perahps related to Esther Rantzen? I think we should be told...
Isn't she the white girl from Two Girls One Cup?
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