Sunday 15 August 2010

Let The Left-Footers Foot The Bill!

Sister Mary Prepares To Welcome The Pope

Why the fuck am I being whacked with costs for the Sky Pixie's Left-Footed Head Nazi to pollute this country, which I believe still has an established Anglican Church?

What the fuck does the cunt need a luxury hotel for his entourage for? Aren't there loads of spare rooms in all those priests' houses which would be eminently more suitable (apart from all the skeletons in the cupboards and bodies under the beds!) and a bloody site cheaper? Loads of space in dormitories with the Little Sisters of Perpetual Misery, surely? Or they could all set a good example by dossing down in the vast space of Westminster Byzantine Cathedral, or maybe sling some hammocks under Blackfriars Bridge?

The Penguin


Captain Haddock said...

And you can bet that St Tony of Sedgefield & "Slot-gob" will be there, at their arse-lickingly most cringeworthy ..

Magdalene said...

These wankers wouldn't know Jesus if he gave them a hair cut. Bunch of complete tossers

cynicalHighlander said...

Why bother with the exspense of slinging hammocks under the bridge, why not the prospective inhabitants!

Anonymous said...

He could make a few bob on the side by selling ice creams from his ice cream cart For the really faitfull he could give them a finger of fudge.

Captain Haddock said...

If, as taught by most Religions .. "God is everywhere" .. one can be "holy" & say one's prayers in ASDA equally well as in a Church ..

So why is there a need for huge, costly & over-ornamented buildings all over the world ?

Are they monuments to the glory of God ? .. if so, they're futile .. as Jesus himself (if we're to believe the Bible stories) spread his message in the open air, wherever he happened to gather an audience ..

More likely .. they're monuments to the self-importance of the people who strut about inside them, dressed in ridiculous garb ..

Oldrightie said...

Captain H, you are spot on.

ERM said...

I don't remember inviting Benny from the Hitler Yoof to come & visit so why am I paying for him & his 'entourage' to enjoy a temporary lifestyle better than I can afford for myself? The Vatican has more than enough money to spare - if he wants a holiday in the UK let him pay for it himself.
Yes, no doubt Imelda Slot-Gob & his Phoneyness will be there in brown nosing attendence - could this be why his Phoneyness is donating the book money, in an attempt to win some Papal award & some dispensation that will help him avoid the well-earned fires of Hell?

Anonymous said...

I shit you not I would rather convert to Islam than Catholicism.

Old Seatonian said...

This may cheer you up Penguin...

Check out the blonde !!