Hartlepool, that most un-lovely of a whole bunch of hideous North Eastern towns, seems to be cursed three times over.
It is infamous as the place where they thought a monkey that survived a ship-wreck was a French spy and drowned the poor creature by tying it to the pier at low tide.
Then it "enjoyed" Voldemort as MP and is forever blighted by his enoblement.
And now, it gains still more notoriety as the place where they painted a yellow line over a dead hedgehog.
Best avoided.
The Penguin
"And now, it gains still more notoriety as the place where they painted a yellow line over a dead hedgehog."
What makes you think it was dead beforehand?
It fucking is now.
To be fair, they have got the Tall Ships in town.
To be fair they now have Iain Wright as their MP.
Hartlepool people are called the "monkey hangers".They hanged the poor bugger,not drowned it.
Yes. The place is full of unemployable low-life. What a pity we cannot invite the Huns back to
finish the job they started in 1914.
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