Thursday 26 August 2010

Here's Another One For You, Piggy!

Here's a very tempting target for your axe, Mr. Pickles.

Another fucking stupid quango just asking for it.

Go on, you know it makes sense!!!!

The Penguin


Joe Public said...

Does the Equalities Commission also look after the interests of the wealthy too? Georgey's budget impacts unfairly on them too.

Dioclese said...

These are the same cunts that are advising the pikeys in Basildon on their human rights (see todays posts)

Nothing gets my blood boiling quicker than these arseholes banging on about 'inalienable human rights'! We're just talking monkeys for Christ's sake! Stupid arrogant bastards...

First, and last, time reader said...

If a fat troughing cunt like Pickles is your hero, that's your credibility down the pisser.

Pedantic Bastard said...

First, and last, time reader

What - like that fat troughing cunt Winston Churchill?

"One may not hope, from outward forms, to win the Beauty and the Truth, whose fountains lie within".

Incidentally, the commas need sorting out in your nom-de-plume.

Hacked Off said...

I don't think anyone will mourn your brief encounter or your passing, dear "reader"....

First, and last, time reader said...

I'm fully aware that my brief visit won't be missed in the tiny world of Libertarian extremism, much like an appearance on Socialist Worker sites, but to champion a thief and an arrogant arsehole like Eric Pickles begs the question of how blinkered can a blogger be. Who can forget his cringing performance on QT?

From the Telegraph.
Mr Pickles, the shadow communities secretary and chairman of the Conservative Party, has been an MP for Brentwood and Ongar since 1992.

His office expenses varied from month to month, but one claim remained resolutely the same — £200 in petty cash. Between 2005 and the middle of 2008, his claims all included the same request for cash, all without receipts.

In June 2008, when the fees office said everything over £25 must be accompanied by a receipt, Mr Pickles’s petty cash claims dropped to £20. The MP also billed the public purse for up to £200 a month for cleaning, and £280 for his monthly grocery bill and other household bills. He stopped using the additional costs allowance to run his designated second home when he was made party chairman earlier this year. In December 2006 an official from the office wrote to him, noting that he made regular, unspecified claims for hundreds of pounds for repairs, insurance or security. Mr Pickles “agreed, in future, to provide extra detail”. At that time, receipts were not required for individual costs lower than £250.

Hacked Off said...

Libertarian extremism? How very dare you! Next you'll be suggesting I'm racist because I fucking hate pikeys!

As for Piggy Pickles, his claims were within the rules and hardly extravagant. And if he's going to trash the quangos, I'll fucking hold his coat and cheer.

Now fuck off and don't come back.

Chief_Sceptic said...

" As for Piggy Pickles, his claims were within the rules and hardly extravagant. And if he's going to trash the quangos, I'll fucking hold his coat and cheer. "

Dibs on that ! - here's hoping he really goes to town on the Quangos - the most 'target rich environment' that ever existed ! ...

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about getting rid of 'Sitting Volleyball' - (financially supported by the England Volleyball Association/Sport England)

Anonymous said...

"First, and last, time reader said...
If a fat troughing cunt like Pickles is your hero, that's your credibility down the pisser."

An unlikely hero indeeed - however it does show how far we have sunk when we have now elevated Mr Pickles to that status.

His fat troughing is insignifcant when compared with the low life in the Quangos.

Go Piggy Go !!!!!

Old Seatonian said...

and the total incompetance of Brown and New Liebore which has decreased social mobility, bankrupted the country and wasted billions is not affecting the poor ?