Seems that more and more folk are prepared to state publicly that they don't believe Lord Hutton's whitewash.
Apart from anyone one else who gets coated with sticky smelly brown stuff as a result of having a proper inquest and post-mortem, I have to hope that his fucking Lordship is still around to have his "good name" dragged through the mud.
Apart from that, am I the only one who thinks that the late Dr Kelly and the late Dr. Shipman (famous for exceeding his NHS targets) could have been twins?
The Penguin
Regardless of who else might (or more likely, might not) be re-interviewed about this now fetidly smelling cover-up ...
Its high time Alistair Campbell's involvement in the matter was opened up to a shaft of much needed sunlight ...
He wasn't "PM", nor can he hide behind "Parliamentary Privilege" .. because he never had any to begin with ...
So, there's no earthly excuse why we cant' be told about his input ..
PS .. Any decent pics of last weekend's shenanigans RP ??? ;)
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=161042910915&ref=ts has a good few.
kelly was murdered. we all know that.
when will someone break ranks and find the balls to prosecute all those involved?
the irish police have found some.....
meanwhile ours just feather their own nests.
The speculation is damaging, but probably less so than full disclosure of the true facts. Whilst governments continue to judge this to be the case, the facts will remain hidden from view, probably for 50 years until all concerned are dead.
Like prosecuting members of former governments for war crimes and criminal incompetence, this would set a dangerous precedent and will never be allowed to happen.
Sorry RP .. don't use Farcebook or Twatter ..
So, I guess I'll just have to forego seeing them ..
A pity really, as I was looking forward to seeing your "Wench" photos .. ;)
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