Sunday 21 November 2010

Who Knows? Who Cares!!!

"Terribly Sad, Of Course - Please Stop Laughing!"

Oh dear, William "the Foetus" Hague has shocked everyone by giving an honest answer to a question.

When asked if the Euro would survive the Irish troubles, he said "Who Knows?"

Fingers crossed!

The Penguin


microdave said...

They're still crossed from Wednesdays post!

Climate-Change Denier said...

If you haven't given 'Pudsey' any of your hard-earned money, don't worry there's still time. And just look at some of the really good causes the money goes to :

Give Generously !

microdave said...

@ Climate-Change Denier - Fucking Hellski!!!
I only got to page 5 of that PDF before my blood pressure went off the scale...

Call me Infidel said...

"I only got to page 5 of that PDF before my blood pressure went off the scale..."

Same here. FFS Britain is going to hell in a hand cart.