Cheaper for the taxpayer. And it makes sure some fucking do-gooding parole board doesn't let him out.
You know it makes sense.
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
OK - let's be clear about this - the legal action isn't being perpetrated by this creep - it's another miserable piece of ordure passing themselves off as a solicitor and sucking legal aid money to perpetrate this absolute feckin outrage.
The headlines shouldn't read "Huntley to Sue Prison" - it should be "Scumbucket solicitor and legal aid administrators collude to simultaneously defraud and outrage the public"
Then I'll burn the cunt for you! My pleasure
(PS - the word verification on this comment was 'fryoffer' - spooky or what?)
Just posted him! Mind if I quote you as well?
I don't care who is actually making the money ..
The sooner Huntley & all the other scumbags like him (including their bent lawyers) are history .. the sooner we can start saving the money we squander on them ..
PS. ... Welcome back RP, hope you had a good hols ?
Charge him for his lodgings?
Nice to be back - the twins are lucky they didn't get murdered. Only rained one day, and I got all the tentage down dry, which was good.
Ranting will be sparse next week, as I'm going to be rather busy helping at a historic festival in Stratford upon Avon.
The Penguin said...
"Nice to be back - the twins are lucky they didn't get murdered"..
I can only hope & pray, that given the theme of this thread .. that was something of a Freudian slip RP ??? ... ;) :) :)
The murder of the twins (I might plead for manslaughter) would not have been as a result of an unhealthy sexual interest in under-age girls, but from frustration at ill-disciplined willful little buggers thinking they can get away with deliberate disobedience and rudeness. Can't think where they get it from!
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