Tuesday 6 July 2010

Mr. Petit Frog Wants His Envelope, Madame

"These Footstools Are So Expensive, Of Course I Need A Little Help!"

Seems it's not only the socialists in the UK who specialise in dodgy donations and iffy funding.

The cheese eating surrender monkeys seem quite good at it as well.

The Penguin


Billy Blofeld said...

He looks like a midget version of the keyboard player from Sparks.

This Town Is More Than Big Enough For The Both OF Us.....

Captain Haddock said...

Feck me sideways ...

I'd need to change me "Y" fronts from laughing, if the Froggie dwarf fell off that "kiddie" step ...

I wonder if he has blocks fitted, so he can reach the pedals in his motor ? ...

Anonymous said...

Not only that the foods better in France and how many French people come to Dover on a "booze cruise" save you counting (I assume you can count) none.

Anonymous said...

A picture to treasure - and circulate at the time of the next French Presidential Election.

Captain Haddock said...

Anonymous said...

"Not only that the foods better in France and how many French people come to Dover on a "booze cruise" save you counting (I assume you can count) none".

And WTF precisely pray, does that have to do with the size of this dwarf ?

Ed P said...

Czar Cozy, like all little men, has a massive ego. Don't upset him or he'll want Normandy back (oh, hang on..)

Actually some of the French do shop in the UK, for "foodstuffs" unobtainable in la belle France, like Marmite & Boursin (yes, really)

Captain Haddock said...

This has bollock-all to do with either British or French shopping habits ..

And everything to do with the fact that the "dodgy dwarf" is under investigation for allegedly taking "bungs" ..

Muddying the waters with unrelated twaddle is always a telling action if things are getting a little too warm, or a bit too close to the truth ..