Despite it being an extremely target rich environment, the title of Complete Cunt Of The Week goes to shifty former MP and Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram, who has been complaining about how hard it was to have to put up with the families of dead soldiers.
This is the said shit who on many many occasions insisted to Parliament and to journalists that the Armed Forces were properly and fully equipped - he ought to pop along to the inquest into the death of Lieutentant Mark Evison, who bled to death because there were not sufficient of the right bandages to go round. In a sad irony Lt. Evison foretold his own death in his diary, where he recorded that they had insufficient radios, medical supplies - even insufficient food and water! - and that this would inevitably lead to unnecessary deaths. I'm sure the coroner would welcome his input.
Mr Ingram was also forced to apologise recently for misleading Parliament about the use of various illegal interogation techniques.
He was also caught touting his services for £2,500 a day "plus expenses" to help him survive being weaned from the public teat onto the hardship of his gold-plated pension and generous goodbye payment for leaving Parliament.
This in addition to his many well-paid "outside interests" giving him the highest outside earnings of any Scottish politician. However, he does have at least one anonymous fan, who uses the "Tugger" Timney Technique of writing letters to the local papers to try and defend the indefensible but takes it one stage further and pretends to be someone else.
All in all, a very deserving winner.
The Penguin
gets my vote, Penny!
Not evil enough for me to condemn to the pit, but absolutely a complete and utter cunt! Well spotted.
What is it with the Scottish? Do they have special training to be like this?
I don't want to start a war with the many excellent bloggers from North of the border, but seriously, WTF?
What an utter scumbag ..
I sincerely hope that some Squaddie on his/her return from the "Stan" fixes up for an interview (without coffee) with this cunt .. and re-arranges his face ...
WV = "cyspig" .. says it all really ....
Ill re-arrange his face with my chainsaw no probs..what an utter troughing,venal, fat cunt!
If I were a v.v.v.v. rich person, I would arrange for this arse-wipe to be kidnapped and delivered to Afghanistan. There he would be equipped with the very kit he deemed sufficient for the lads out there on his watch, and given over to the tender care of a favourite WO1(ret'd) chum of mine who would then beast the bugger from arsehole to breakfast time for days on end. The price for his return to the UK would be the forfeiture of all his current savings and 75% of all future earnings in perpetuity.
Apart from all that I wish him exceeding well.
A very deserving winner! Caratacus - why bother with the expense of bringing him home again? - you know he'd promise the earth & then wriggle out of it. Far better to just turn him over to the Taliban after your chum had treated him to a touch of reality.
Gildas the Monk
Use him as a mine detector.
In 1815 the Duke of Wellington said of the British Army " they are the scum of the Earth, but by God they frighten me"
Two hundred years later I believe the British Army can say of the ruling class
"they are the scum of the earth, but by God they disgust me"
Low life vermin - CUNT
"Use him as a mine detector." - Or get to practise "Not Being Seen":
Cuntitude of the highest order!
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