Tuesday 13 July 2010

Caption Contest ( Spot The Cunt Is Too Easy!)

Or, what is the squaddie on the right thinking?

The Penguin


PT Barnum said...

"Body shot or head shot? Decisions, decisions...."

Anonymous said...

Farquar has been rather blessed with copious quantities of fine filly fanny, over the years, and one or two where a little regrettable after the event. However, the one you have in front centre of picture there, Penggers, is the most dirty, rancid, puss infected example I have ever had the misfortune to espy.

Catosays said...

Jeez, how I want to slot that bastard!

Ed P said...

Now where did I put that silver bullet?

Anonymous said...

The only time the army was behind the Prick!

Captain Haddock said...

"Yeah, easy shot ... but is it worth doing time for slotting the cunt" ??

And his mate, immediately to his right & half hidden behind Twatface is thinking ...

"I wish this knobber would shut-the-fuck up, I'm dying for a cuppa and a NAAFI growler" ...

Dioclese said...

"Nice syrup...."

Monty Cristo said...

'And the bullet proof glass behind me is a fine example of UK transparency....'

And on the right:

'...Fuck me; I smuggled the Browning in, didn't realise I'd have to C4 the twat to get a result'

microdave said...

The squaddie is saying "He's full of the stuff in the post above"....