Saturday, 16 October 2010

Stupid Fucking Bitch

Alveena Malik, a former faith adviser to the last Labour government has produced a fucking report for think-tank Civitas, probably paid for by the poor taxpayer without any choice in the matter, which says that the full Islamic face-veil is a part of the “British way of life” and should be celebrated along with religious symbols such as the crucifix.

Guess what, Alveena? You can stick the fucking niqab up your fucking fundament. I don't appreciate all of this multi-cultural politically correct fucking nonsense, especially those elements of sub-continental and middle eastern origin such as honour killings, burning pregnant young women, political corruption, and sexually abusing young white girls. And then playing the race card if anyone fucking complains.

If you want to live and work in this country, then fucking well integrate.

Or just fuck the fuck off.

The Penguin


microdave said...

"part of the “British way of life”"

WTF???? - Not in MY Britain it fucking well isn't, you stupid cow.

ArtCo said...

Were fucked I tell ya ,were well and truly fucked.
Please God do something about these liberalistic bastards, and soon.

Anonymous said...

I have just had two of these letter box fuckers at my door making out they were a charity looking for donations. I fucked them off pronto and also called the cops. Then I went out to the local park and saw a drunken polack with a boy aged about 12, he had a big bag of lager and a tenants super in his mitt.Fuck them all off before we kill the bastards.

Sue said...

The Labour Government decided not to teach British History, therefore even immigrants that are born in the UK have no idea what British Customs are. They don't integrate so there's no way they will learn.

Not that they're bothered of course, we are expected to adapt/adopt their ways.

Tough shit I say.. if I can't see you speak, you won't get an answer, not because I'm ignorant but I require to see facial expression and lip movements in order to understand people.

...but hey, hearing impaired people are obviously not important enough to care about...

Anonymous said...

She's probably right! Stonings and setting fire to your missus is too. Honour killings? Stupid name, it's murder and they should be strung up from a crane iranian style.

This country is fucked.

Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur said...

God knows this sort of piece attracts the foaming at the mouth winow lickers like og shit atttracts flies but...

all religion repulses me and Islam more than any other. Why not just treat woman and gays like anyone else. They are not stupider or more evil than the rest of us.

The less Islam in this country the better off we will be

Kitler said...

If the crazy woman wants to live in a world where letting your wayward women folk live is more dishonourable than killing them then let her. If she wants rape to be the cornerstone of marriage then let her. If she wants rickets then let her. If she wants her sons to learn nothing but the Koran and cash and carry prices then let her.

Fuck it. I hate the sand people so much I'm actually glad my taxes are being used to encourage them to walk into hell.

Maturecheese said...

have a better idea. Why doesn't she and her ilk just Fuck Off anyway, don't even bother trying to integrate because I for one don't fucking want them here.

Maturecheese said...

Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur said...

You are right about women but not bloody Gays. Gays should be tolerated, not treated as a bloody normal condition to be celebrated.

Maturecheese said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Fingerton said...

This is what you get when lefties are in power. Who appointed this slippery bitch as a government advisor? All they have done is given her licence to spin this crap.
In her own warped mind, she thinks what she is saying is quite reasonable: We're British now and we behave like this, so this is part of British culture.
Some lefty clown might have allowed you citizenship love, or perhaps they stupidly let your parents in and you were born here, but that makes you British in name only.
If any further argument against Muslim immigration is actually necessary, here it is.
No intention of integrating; just want to take the social security and free health benefits, then ignore any laws and customs they feel like.
Labour aren't for the working class: they are more interested in prosecuting you under the Equality Act for criticising alien religions than providing proper services and ensuring people can EARN a decent living.